Minnesota Design Team logo

Minnesota Design Team logo

A committee of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Minnesota, the Minnesota Design Team is comprised of volunteers from a variety of design-related disciplines that lead community engagement and design weekends to help small and rural towns in Minnesota come together to create a community vision—and discover ways to realize that future.

Building from AIA Minnesota’s brand guidelines, LN Design worked with AIA leadership to create a refreshed logo to represent the team. The primary element of the logo was inspired by the shape of a classic rural symbol—the weathervane. The arrow points forward, symbolizing the future-focused, intensive imagining that both residents and volunteers experience during the envisioning process, and beyond.


LN Design logo

PHONE: 612-695-4220
EMAIL: info@lndesignco.com
2700 Louisiana Ave. S. #26762
Minneapolis, MN 55426